
Sheila Jones is an international best-selling business and award-winning children’s book author.

Check out the variety of books that have been written by Sheila Jones Below.  Each are available for sale on Amazon and we encourage you to pick up a copy to read at your convenience. 

Sheila_Jones- Red Jacket

Whicked Interview Tips - NEW!

Description – Land the job of your dreams with strategic preparation based on Whicked Interview Tips! With excellent pacing and flow, this compact book is crammed with helpful information, personal experience, question/answer examples, and ready-to-use tips. Pages for personal notes make this a practical workbook for the serious job hunter. Learn how to get inside the mind of the company you want to work for and figure out how to present your unique fit and value. Designed for students but also of significant value to experienced professionals, this book is easy to read, straight to the point, and effective! Dazzle at your next interview and be the candidate that gets the offer. Sheila Jones—aka The Job Lady—reduces your fears, builds your confidence, and puts you on top of the pile! Get ready to hear: “You’re hired!” 

 “Sheila from Whicked Results was a tremendous help to me in successfully getting a great job coming out of school. From interview tips to confidence building to overall knowledge, her career coaching has been amazing. Her expertise has been crucial throughout my process; she’s been here to coach me every step of the way! With Sheila’s help I achieved some pretty Whicked Results!”– Michael, new hire

Explosive Business Growth Strategies - GANE Ontario

Business growth doesn’t happen by accident. It starts with a vision, the development of a great plan, getting the team (both internal and external) on board, and then executing the plan, allowing for flexibility to bend as needed, when circumstances and momentum shift.

Explosive Business Growth Strategies: GANE Ontario is a compilation of 12 amazing entrepreneurs who share valuable insights across a breadth of topics, to help business professionals, business owners, and other entrepreneurs cut through the stagnation they might find themselves in. The goal of the book is simple yet profound, to help those seeking business growth, to achieve it quickly.

The book authors have a wide variety of professional experience that is shared to help any new or seasoned business professional break out of their slow or slumping sales growth. Topics covered in the book include marketing, sales, branding, communication, finances, health, goal setting, legacy, mindset, and more.

Another interesting difference between this book and most, is the authors have been selected to speak on stage at a live event, in Ontario, CA on Friday, November 3rd for GANE Ontario. Those in attendance will get a chance to meet all the speakers live throughout the day and even get their copy of the book autographed.

GANE stands for Growth Accelerator Networking Event and aspires to educate and inspire the audience of the live event and those who read the book, so they can experience more explosive business growth faster than if they were simply left to their own devices without the insight shared from the stage and the pages in the book.

GANE Ontario was created and hosted by Ira Bowman and Joel Phillips. Stay tuned for more GANE events around the USA in 2024 and beyond as there are many more stories to share, to the benefit of all who take the time to read the future editions.

Amir's Big Catch

Amir’s Big Catch was written for children of all ages.

Amir lives by a lake and his dream is to catch a fish–but he can’t do it alone! Join Amir in this adventure as he meets some friends who can help him along the way.

Amir’s Big Catch is Sheila’s first children’s book. It earned the Midwest Independent Publishing Association (MIPA) Golden Book Award! This book was inspired by a fishing adventure she shared with her friend Amir on Lake Brandt in North Carolina. It was a day of firsts—his first visit to the lake, his first fishing pole, and his first cast as a fisherman. It was a wonderful memory for both, and Sheila was honored to experience it through Amir’s eyes.

This fun story is chock-full of alliterations and illustrations to capture the attention and ignite the imagination of the children who read it. Kids are spellbound by the fun illustrations. This makes a great present for kids and grandkids alike.

Sheila has read this book to hundreds of children in schools and other venues. She is available to read to YOUR group. Contact her today!